Easy, Effective, Learning Solutions for Students

E-Class is an attempt to encourage quality learning and help the process of learning by making it effective and engaging in innovative ways. At E-Class we have developed solutions and delivery platforms that enrich teaching and learning experience. The main aim is to go beyond the traditional black and white textbook approach and connect technology with education.

We believes that to become a leader in any field one must foster a conception of excellence in education. Education is the pillar and base of entire human life and we believe our learning solutions will not only help build the base but will make the education roots stronger forever. We are building an army of students for this nation and we support the Digital India mission strongly.

We have developed audio-video animated content for Maharashtra State Board Studies, for standards 1st to 10th in English, Marathi, Semi-English Medium, Hindi and Urdu Medium.


The content is developed keeping in mind the teaching pattern of the teachers and is as per the state board syllabus. It has rich visuals and animations to explain each chapter in detail. Geography maps, science practical’s, history events, math’s sums and all such things explained deeply with the help of the content. Animated content makes learning a fun activity.

Delivery Platforms

It can be used on many platforms online and offline. It is available in pendrive for television sets, computers, android mobile phones and tablets, and secure digital card (SD). Our solutions are for schools, and students with different delivery platforms. Enhancing the experience of learning through 2D and 3D content.

Eclass Can Be Used

Enriching educational institutions, empowering students and teachers alike with the new age digital learning

By Schools

  • Schools can upgrade their classrooms with very less investment.
  • Helps in overall school results.
  • Complete control on the content and delivery methods.

By Students

  • Students can use it at their home for self-study.
  • Eclass makes learning a fun activity.
  • Helps understand concepts in detail.
  • Complete tracking and progress reports from the product.

Benefits of E-Class

Transforming every room into a digital room that enhances the learning process by involving more senses

Our educational content provides in-depth explanations of chapters and concepts.
It is totally offline, and does not require any internet.
Eclass makes learning a fun activity. It helps take away the educational stress from students.
You can track your progress and generate performance reports.
Mind map, question and answer videos, chapter and quick question videos for all chapters.
The entire content is as per the syllabus and textbook.
Makes subjects like history, civics and English learning more attractive and engaging.
Audio-Video makes it very easy to remember educational content.

E-Class Digital Learning vs Other Products

High Technology System (other available products) Eclass Technology

Other systems available in the market require a server room, a computer lab, various Lan connections. Such high technology requires additional man force to handle and manage the entire system.


E-class system requires just a T.V set or a projector. The android box can directly be connected to the projector and can be controlled with a remote which is very easy and does not require any additional man force to handle or operate the system.


The hardware requirements involve a huge cost in such systems and the infrastructure cost in installing such a product is very high. Additional servers, computers, wiring is required. Interactive boards require huge investments.


The only hardware requirement is either a T.V or a projector. Rest everything is available in the android box in which the pen drive is connected and the content can be viewed. No further recurring cost.

Revenue Cost

The cost of setting up an entire Av room or a server lab requires huge capital and maintenance cost is very high.

Revenue Cost

Eclass does not require any extra infrastructure. The maintenance cost is practically zero.

Content Provided

The content provided in the other systems is a concept based content. It does not cover the entire textbook and does not go according to the syllabus. Each concept has to be taught individually.

Content Provided

The content in Eclass is as per the state board and is exactly as per the textbook. It covers each chapter and subject with animations as per the student’s requirement during a lecture in detail.


Such a system requires a complicated installation of the product and takes a lot of time and efforts. The teachers find it very difficult to use such a system.


This system is very easy to install and can be installed immediately. Teachers have the control in their hand and by the use of a remote they can play pause and rewind the chapter, thus making it easy to teach without additional costs.

Internet Connection

This system requires internet connection for loading the concepts and connecting to its main system.

Internet Connection

No internet is required. Just by the use of a pen drive entire standard can be taught as and when required.

Multiple Systems

Such systems cannot be provided in all the classrooms and schools due to poor infrastructure presently available and high cost involved.

Multiple Systems

Eclass system is easy to install in any number of classrooms as and when required as existing infrastructure is enough for it functioning.

Syllabus Completion and Teacher Training

Due to the complicated system teachers do not finish the entire syllabus in the stipulated time and teacher training is required to use the system.

Syllabus Completion and Teacher Training

Due to syllabus based content no extra time is wasted and entire subjects can be covered in stipulated time. Due to the easy nature of the product no additional teacher training is required for this system.

Eclass Comparison with Low End Products and Content given in Dvd’s and Cd’s

DVD-CD’s E-Class Pendrives
Cds have no life. After using it for a couple of times scratches affect the cd and cannot be used again. Pendrives can be used for any number of times. There is no problem of using it again and again.
Sensitive to light, and have to be stored in a proper box and packaging. Pendrives need no extra box and can be stored anywhere.
Educational cds from other companies have concept based study, they do not cover all subjects and are subject wise. E-Class pendrive has all the chapters stored in a single pendrive.
Most of the times cds only run on computer and not on T.V E-Class has an option to even work on tv through our e-box and also different pendrive to work directly on computer/laptop etc
Educational cds which run on dvd player require a dvd player which ccna dumps costs more than Rs 5000. And are very expensive E-Class pen drive can run on tv through android box . This can also play movies, songs, from personal pendrive.
After a certain time, the scratches keep increasing on cd and are difficult to use and see the educational videos. Pendrive has no problem of scratch or error and can be used any number of time without error.
The capacity of a cd/dvd is less and it cannot store all 4itexam educational content in 1 cd and therefore companies give incomplete data. Pendrives have more capacity and can store huge data. E-class Pendrives have full content in 1 pen drive.
No updating of content takes place, as cds once https://www.4itexam.com/ given are permanent. New portion cannot be upgraded on cds. E-Class pendrive are for per year, and can be upgraded to new syllabus and content.
Difficult to use, carry and store cds. They always have a fear of crashing and breaking. Pendrives are easy to store and require no place. They can be carried anywhere without the fear of breaking.
Old technology and outdated educational product New age method of teaching and pen drives are used worldwide now.
Off branded products do not guarantee quality education. Sundaram brand in the market since more than 30 years and guarantees quality education.